About us
AMSIS is a start-up from Bremen (Germany) founded in 2017. We develop new software solutions for the rapidly growing industrial market of additive manufacturing (3D-printing).
We offer the new data preparation software GENESIS which helps to improve the quality and reduce the costs of additively manufactured parts. Our software solution is based on the deep knowledge of the 3D-printing technology as well as on the new intelligent approaches for the numerical simulation of 3D-printing process.
The long-term goal of AMSIS is a complete digitalization and automatization of the 3D-printing technology. We are open for industrial and research cooperation on this field.
Join us and print the future with us.
One of the first successful experiments to print rotor blade prototypes without support structures
Investing in the future of 3D-printing
AMSIS was founded on the basis of the Airbus endowed chair for Integrative Simulation of Materials and Processes (ISEMP) of the University of Bremen and continues its work in close cooperation with ISEMP and other institutes of the University of Bremen. We aim to give graduates the chance to stay in Bremen after completing their study and to shape the future of 3D-printing together with us.
Our start-up was initially financed and supported by Starthaus, a segment of the BAB – die Förderbank für Bremen und Bremerhaven, through the financial instrument of the ERDF participation fund (EFRE-Beteiligungsfonds) Bremen.
Since the spring of 2021, the HZG Additive Manufacturing Tech Fund has joined AMSIS as its lead strategic investor. The investment fund was created in 2021 by one of the pioneers of metal additive manufacturing, Mrs Kerstin Herzog and Mr Frank Herzog, the founders of Concept Laser GmbH, in order to promote innovative start-ups in the rapidly growing industrial sector of 3D-printing.
Are you interested for cooperation?
Contact us! We will be happy to help you to improve your 3D-printing process.
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Head of Testing Facilities
Senior Expert Additive Manufacturing